I found this place by accident. Or did it find me? A few years ago, at a cookout in Greenfield, a friend suggested I try out an old motorcycle of his. I objected saying I didn’t know how to work the gears but he said “squeeze the clutch, tap the pedal down to shift ahead, tap the pedal up to downshift; it’s that simple. Have fun and don’t worry!” So I went out for a ride and, with a minimum of stall-outs, pretty quickly got the hang of it. In fact – much to my surprise – I enjoyed it so much that I started keeping an eye out for those “end of the driveway specials” that are so common in the area. Before too long I was the proud owner of a twenty-five-year-old Honda Nighthawk motorcycle. I learned that the country roads of Saratoga and Washington Counties are a gift from heaven: they’re well maintained and lightly traveled, and they offer spectacular views not to die for. (Learning to safely operate a motorcycle, I realized, made me a mu...